Have you ever been so mad at someone or something that you are willing to jump off the deep end just to try to get your good point across? You are so frustrated that anything that passes through your brain will most definitely come out of your mouth and make you sound insane but you could not care less as to how insane you sound.
In his piece, A Modest Proposal, Swift recommends that the people of Ireland feed on "infants flesh...seasoned with a little pepper or salt..." He takes this seemingly outrageous tone and point of view because he is outraged with the poverty stricken people of Ireland that have brought it upon themselves by having one too many children. Of course Swift doesn't really want people to eat their own children but he basically wants to say this: don't have kids that you cannot afford to support. or society will crush them and they will suffer. Swift probably wrote this essay because kind words were no longer getting through to people and no one took this poverty problem seriously. Sometimes you have to yell, wave your arms and jump up and down to be seen I'm sure Swift was frightened and worried at first to publish this writing but perhaps he was a bit more anxious more than anything else. But with his satiric attitude I think people felt reality being thrown at their faces and finally understood what he and many others were thinking.
Since Swift's essay was published in 1729 there have been corrections to society that help poverty-stricken families help themselves. Welfare has been helping families out for years and years, giving them another option for their kids than having them for breakfast.
Now for a problem to be considered a problem and for a solution to be thought of to fix it, it doesn't have to be super obvious and impairing our society with it's commodities. It can be subtle to some people but uncomfortable to others. Swift saw a problem with the way people were "carelessly" conducting themselves and he spoke his mind. I see a problem and it is a bit comedic but it is, in fact, extremely relevant to our country, right down to the little town we live in.
Summer is the best time of the year, without a doubt. Why? Well, first and foremost because school is out for two full months and then some, flowers are blooming, the sun is out until late in the evening, you have all the time in the world to hang out with your friends on road trips and to ride your bike to the ice cream parlor. It's just such a happy time of the year! There are some bad things about summer, believe it or not and I'm not just talking about the air conditioner breaking down...I'll just be frank. What really bothers me about summer time is when I'm driving down the street and I see an old, beer-bellied man, watering his front yard or fetching his mail from the post box wearing pants but no shirt.
There have been many instances when I have been riding my bike to the park with my sister or driving from store to store on an adventure with my friend in her little red car and you turn the corner and BAM. There's an old guy standing there all non-chalant in his front yard topless. I mean seriously if you are going to walk around that way at least you could be fit. I know it's hot outside and all but come on, just wear a shirt. Women don't go around that way because they have respect for themselves and more importantly others. There is a certain province in Europe, more specifically somewhere around England, where a topless man is treated like a person riding a bike without a helmet or a driver in a car without a seat belt on. Yes, if the police catch you without a shirt on you receive a ticket. It would be so nice if we had that law in California. Just because a man is a man it doesn't mean he should be allowed to just walk around half way clothed. It's uncomfortable for passer-by's, don't you think? It's not like there are a bunch of Abrocombie and Fitch models walking around everywhere (if there where there would not be a problem, I am sure of this, that'd be a plus for summer time) and since a perfect world like that doesn't exist, let's polish it up a little and have some modesty...it would make my summer a whole lot nicer :)
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